Wednesday, November 26, 2008 can be scary when you are only eight inches tall.

i am on vacation for thanksgiving, and i have some free time on my hands so i decided to make a blog! my name is bandit jack, but most people call me bandit and my mom calls me bandy. she rescued me about two and a half months ago and i am her first puppy! 

we live in florida because she is going to school but now we are in new jersey where it is much colder than i am used to. i took my first airplane flight to get here. im really scared of heights since i am so little, but since i could not look out the window from my carrier i felt a little better. i tried to tell myself over and over, "we are just in a really big and loud car that smells funny." i did not really mind it.

the highlight of my trip will be tomorrow. my mom promised to give me some turkey (even though my grandma already slipped some under the table)!

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