Wednesday, March 25, 2009


...i am sick. i feel pretty yucky, so im just going to lay here until my mom takes me to the doctor at five.


Anonymous said...

poor Bandit.....maybe I should hire a private duty nurse to care for you...
You didn't eat a frog you found outside or something, did you??

Bandit Jack said...

well, my mom is home on her lunch break now, so she is taking care of me. but she has a quiz at 2 and ill be by myself for 2 hours! might be an intestinal parasite GASP!

NancyFitz said...

Poor Bandit!!
You look so pitiful on the sofa!!
Make sure you drink lots of water and maybe you can wash that intestinal parasite or frog or whatever else you might have eaten right out of you. Washing the frog or mouse or whatever out of you might be a little uncomfortable!! You really should be more discriminating in your outdoor grazing!!

Darlene said...

Oh no Bandit, I feel for you guy. I had lots of tummy problems myself when I was little and even now. I hope the doc fixes you up. Here's a puppy hug for you.

bermudaonion said...

Aww, poor Bandit. I hope you're feeling better now.